Snowpiercer, a dystopian TV series based on the graphic novel and movie of the same name, has been a hit since it first aired on TNT in 2020. The series, which stars Daveed Diggs, Jennifer Connelly, Sean Bean, Mickey Sumner, and Alison Wright, has been available internationally on Netflix as a Netflix Original since its debut. However, it appears that the show’s future is uncertain after TNT cancelled its fourth and final season.
Why was Snowpiercer cancelled?
The primary reason behind the cancellation is that Warner Bros. Discovery, which owns TNT, has been shifting its scripted series off of the network or even cancelling them outright. Unfortunately, Snowpiercer fell into the latter category. It was also a time when Warner Bros. Discovery was cancelling numerous projects and pulling others from its streaming platforms, including Snowpiercer from HBO Max in the United States.
What Happened to Snowpiercer Season 4?
After filming wrapped up in August 2022, Tomorrow Studios, the production company behind Snowpiercer, was looking to shop for Season 4 elsewhere. However, it has been a few months since then, and there has been no news regarding the show’s future.
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Will Snowpiercer Season 4 be Available on Netflix?
Currently, the answer is no. While Netflix has been the international home to Snowpiercer for its first three seasons, it is not obligated to carry the show’s fourth season, given that it has not been aired or fully completed. Moreover, it appears that Tomorrow Studios has not found a new home for the series.
What does the Future Hold for Snowpiercer?
It is unclear at this point what the future holds for Snowpiercer, but fans are hoping that Tomorrow Studios can find a new home for the series. In the meantime, Netflix will continue to be the international home of Snowpiercer seasons 1–3 until March 29th, 2023.
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