Business LifeStyle

How Work Culture Impacts Mental Health

How Work Culture Impacts Mental Health

According to experts, a toxic work culture could significantly affect an employee’s mental health. Those who feel socially excluded by their colleagues could suffer from mental stress, leading to higher job dissatisfaction and low productivity. Also, if employees feel “unsafe” in expressing their opinions at work and feel like they are constantly suppressed, they will be at high risk of stress and anxiety that could greatly affect their work performance. 

Here’s what every employer should know about how work culture affects mental health.

What Does Work Culture Mean? 

Work culture refers to the overall personality and character of a business. It is what makes the business unique, which encompasses the company’s values, beliefs, traditions, behaviours, goals, etc. Work culture plays an important factor in attracting the best talents and making the employees stay with the company for a long time. 

Organisations should foster a positive ambience in the workplace to help employees concentrate on their work. Positive work culture will not only attract the best talents in the industry but also drives engagement, improves satisfaction and happiness, and increase productivity. An organisation is believed to have a strong work culture if the employees abide by the company’s rules and regulations and follow company procedures and guidelines.

Why Is Work Culture Important to Mental Wellbeing? 

Having a positive work culture can enhance the employees’ satisfaction and happiness, helping them stay motivated, which increases work productivity. Employees spend a lot of time at work each day, so they must enjoy what they do. Otherwise, they will suffer from stress and burnout, affecting their mental wellbeing. 

In a positive workplace, everyone works with and not against each other, which increases efficiency and productivity. It also boosts employee morale and improves employee retention, along with job satisfaction and work performance. Most importantly, employees in an organisation with positive work culture are mentally healthy since they are not always stressed out.

Employee engagement in work, which is often associated with feeling valued, supported, and respected, is often negatively associated with stress levels. When employees are stressed, absenteeism will increase, along with errors and accidents that could cost the company a lot of money.

How to Get the Right People for the Best Work Culture 

To maintain a positive work culture, you must hire the right person who is a culture fit for your organisation. If you consider cultural fit throughout the recruitment process, you’ll end up hiring people who are perfectly suited for their new roles, which will certainly drive long-term growth and success for the organisation. But the question is – how do you find the right people for the best work culture?

Word of mouth can help connect you to professionals who can be a culture fit to your organisation. Recruitment agencies such as Lightning Travel Recruitment can also help you on this. This company can align the right candidates to organisations that are most suitable to them. They do this by understanding the company culture, and then filtering out potential candidates whose culture aligns with the company.  

About the author

Harshita Sevaldasani

I'm a tech, finance, marketing and stock market enthusiast who has a flair for writing. I spend most of my time reading and researching different topics and keeping myself updated with current affairs. I am recognized for writing insightful articles and blogs, and I've been featured on 200+ news websites. I'm currently working on 6+ blogs as an author and over the years, I've fallen for my profession.

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