Kotaro Lives Alone is a popular Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Mami Tsumura. The manga series was first serialized in Shogakukan’s seinen manga magazine, Big Comic Superior, in March 2015. The series revolves around a four-year-old boy named Kotaro Sato, who lives alone in an apartment building. The anime adaptation of Kotaro Lives Alone premiered on Netflix in March 2022 and was well-received by fans worldwide.
Kotaro Lives Alone Season 2: Release Date
Kotaro Lives Alone season 1 was a hit among fans, and they are eagerly waiting for the announcement of the second season. However, the show has not yet been renewed for season 2, and there is no official release date for Kotaro Lives Alone season 2. Fans are hoping that the show will be renewed soon and that they will be able to see their favorite characters back on screen.
Kotaro Lives Alone: Plot
This is a slice-of-life comedy anime series that follows the story of Kotaro Sato, a four-year-old boy who lives alone in an apartment building. Kotaro is a smart and courageous boy who makes his daily journey to the store with his toy sword slung around his waist. Kotaro befriends his neighbors and learns valuable life lessons from them. One of his neighbors, Karino Shin, becomes close to Kotaro and takes responsibility for him. Karino adopts Kotaro and takes him under his care.
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Kotaro Lives Alone: Cast
- Kotaro Satо̄ (さとう コタロー, Satо̄ Kotarо̄): Portrayed by Eito Kawahara, Voiced by: Rie Kugimiya (Japanese); Cherami Leigh (English)
- Shin Karino (狩野 進, Karino Shin): Portrayed by: You Yokoyama, Voiced by: Toshiki Masuda (Japanese); Michael Sinterniklaas (English)
- Isamu Tamaru (田丸 勇, Tamaru Isamu): Portrayed by: Katsuhisa Namase, Voiced by: Junichi Suwabe (Japanese); Kayleigh McKee (English)
- Mizuki Akitomo (秋友 美月, Akitomo Mizuki): Portrayed by: Maika Yamamoto, Voiced by: Saori Hayami (Japanese); Stephanie Sheh (English)
- Ayano Kobayashi (小林 綾乃, Kobayashi Ayano): Portrayed by: Kanako Momota, Voiced by: Yumiri Hanamori (Japanese); Heather Gonzalez (English)
- Aota (青田): Voiced by: Soma Saito (Japanese); David Errigo Jr. (English)
- Ryōta (亮太): Voiced by: Kaito Ishikawa (Japanese); Kyle McCarley (English)
- Tōko Futaba (二葉 透子, Futaba Tōko): Portrayed by: Natsuki Deguchi, Voiced by: Yūka Morishima (Japanese); Jennifer Losi (English)
- Takuya (タクヤ): Voiced by: Minami Shinoda (Japanese); Griffin Robert Faulkner (English)
- Tonosaman (とのさまん): Voiced by: Rie Kugimiya (Japanese); Cherami Leigh (English)
Kotaro Lives Alone Season 2: Trailer
There is no trailer for Kotaro Lives Alone season 2 as the show has not yet been renewed for a second season. Fans are hoping that the show will be renewed soon, and they will be able to see a trailer for the upcoming season. In the meantime, fans can watch the trailer for the first season of Kotaro Lives Alone.
Kotaro Lives Alone Season 1 Ratings
Fans of Kotaro Lives Alone have given positive reviews to the show. On IMDb, Kotaro Lives Alone season 1 is rated 8.4/10, and on MyAnimeList, it is rated 8.3/10. The show’s popularity among fans and the positive reviews it has received suggest that the show has a good chance of being renewed for a second season.
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When is Kotaro Lives Alone season 2 coming out?
If Liden Films is still awaiting confirmation to produce more episodes, it’s unlikely that viewers will be able to see more of Kotaro until either spring or summer 2024.
Where can I watch Kotaro Lives Alone season 2?
Kotaro Lives Alone season 1 is available on Netflix.
Is there a season 2 of Kotaro Lives Alone?
There is no season two of Kotaro Lives Alone yet.