On Thursday, May 2, 2024, famous Korean actor, Lee Seo Han, posted a video on his Instagram account with the caption “Breaking News.” The video showcased a man and woman engaging in sexual activity on a couch. Although the actor deleted the video an hour later, it attracted controversy with several social media users criticising the actor’s decision to publicise someone’s private moments.
While a section of netizens were slamming Lee Seo Han for his indecent post, some of them spotted that it was Bang Ye Dam’s studio where the video was posted.
Amid facing severe backlash, Lee Seo Han took down the video. Additionally, he posted an Instagram story wherein he issued an apology statement to the singer Bang Ye Dam and the social media users.
However, the trolls didn’t stop criticising him and called it an “unacceptable behaviour.” Additionally, some users also pointed out that the angle of the video seemed to be illegally filmed.
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Lastly, on Friday, May 3, 2024, Lee Seo Han issued a detailed apology wherein he called the video a joke between the male friends. The apology statement read,
About the video uploaded yesterday, it was a joke between male friends. I apologise to both Ye Dam and Ye Dam’s fans regarding the fact that the video was filmed in Ye Dam’s studio. I hope that you will refrain from groundless speculation and misunderstandings about this video in the future. I apologise for giving cause for concern to the people who watched the video, and I will be careful [in the future.
However, following Han’s apology, several users showed more rage at his statement. An Instagram user commented,
The news article says the video was of a man and a woman..how is this a joke between men? So then is it a man dressed as a woman?
On the work front, the actor Lee Seo Han (age 29 years; as of 2024) came into prominence with his appearance in the drama series, When the Weather is Fine.
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