Sneakerheads is an American drama created by Jay Longino. The title first premiered on Netflix on September 25, 2020. It was first pitched on; however, it was eventually released on Netflix. The story revolves around Devin, a stay-at-home dad. He is a former sneakerhead who falls into the crazy schemes of one of his friends. Furthermore, the duo goes to hunt one of the most difficult kicks of the game.
What is Sneakerheads about?
The story revolves around Devin, who is a recovering sneakerhead. He stops collecting after marrying his beloved wife, Christine; however, his old friend Bobby makes him indulge in his old habits again. The first episode is simple, with Devin trying to find a pair of old favorites in his size. However, the series takes a turn after the pilot episode. The second episode has Devin and friends trying to track down an elusive pair of Air Jordan Zeroes. This tracking results in an encounter with sneaker tycoon Nori and many other things, along with a spontaneous trip to Hong Kong. This treasure hunt is not about ending after finding the treasure, but it also involves a bigger temptation to acquire something more substantial.
Will Sneakerheads be renewed for Season 2?
Netflix has decided to cancel many shows after a limited season. These include Black Summer, Oddballs, and Tribes of Europa. Unfortunately, Sneakerheads also get included in these shows that will not be renewed.
According to a tweet by Andrew Bachelor, known by his stage name King Bach, the show will not be back. Bach, who plays the character of Bobby in Sneakerheads, confirmed that there will be no season 2. A user asked him, “wth is taking so long to give us a seas 2 for “Sneaker Heads”?” He replied,
Lol this is one of the questions people ask me the most. Sneakerheads was a 6 episode limited series. No season 2 🙏🏾❤️
— King Bach (@KingBach) October 19, 2021
Sneakerheads Season 2 Release Date
The first season of Sneakerheads was released on September 25, 2020. It consisted of six episodes lasting twenty minutes each. While the fans were waiting for a renewal and a second season, it is now difficult. As mentioned previously, King Bach has announced that there will be no season 2.
Sneakerheads Season 2 Cast
Neither Netflix nor the series’ team have said that there will be a second season. Despite the cancelation of the show, the cast members would have remained the same if there had been a second season. The star cast of the first season includes Black-ish and The Last OG fame, Allen Maldonado as Devin, and Andrew Bachelor, aka King Bach, plays Bobby. Apart from them, Sneakerheads featured Jearnest Corchado, Matthew Josten, Yaani King, Justin Lee, Aja Evans, and more.
Sneakerheads Season 2 Trailer
There is no trailer for the second season of Sneakerheads. Besides, with the show canceled, we cannot expect to see it at all.
To sum it up, it seems that Netflix has canceled the show quietly. Furthermore, the confirmation from Andrew Bachelor that they designed Sneakerheads as a limited series has left the fans feeling disappointed. However, you can still watch the six episodes from the first season on Netflix currently.
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