Sweet Magnolias is an American drama created by Sheryl J. Anderson and based on the novels by Sherryl Woods with the same name. The drama was first released on Netflix on May 19, 2020, and it consisted of 10 episodes. In the first season, the story revolves around three best friends, Maddie Townsend, Dana Sue Sullivan, and Helen Decatur, and how they become each other’s support system regarding family, relationships, and careers. Although the first part did not have many twists and turns, the season ended with a cliffhanger.
In season 2, the school removed Cal as the baseball coach due to his anger issues. Also, Mary Vaughn stops her kids from talking to Maddie and Dana Sue’s kids. The season ended with Helen leaving with a life-changing decision to make. In season 3, our sweet magnolias, Helen, Dana Sue, and Maddie, look forward to a bright future as their friendship strengthens. The third season had 10 episodes and dropped on Netflix on July 20, 2023. It was renewed for a fourth season on October 19, 2023. The fourth season will feature 10 episodes, each with a run time of around 50 minutes. Furthermore, Netflix has not revealed whether the fourth season will be the series finale.
Sweet Magnolias Season 4 Release Date
The release date is also not fixed for season 4, but according to a few reports, the drama will be back by either late 2024 or early 2025. JoAnna Garcia Swisher, the American actress who plays the role of Maddie Townsend, took to her Instagram to share about the renewal for season 4 and wrote, “Oh how good it feels to be able to share!!!! And to also finally be able to say THANK YOU for making this show what it is. The support of each and every one of you at home (all of the world!) gives us the chance to keep telling a story that means so much to us. Season 4 is officially in the works and buckle up… it’s going to be a big one!”
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Sweet Magnolias Season 4 Cast Members
Netflix has not officially revealed the cast members for season 4 yet; however, viewers can expect JoAnna Garcia Swisher as Maddie Townsend, Brooke Elliott as Dana Sue Sullivan, Heather Headley as Helen Decatur, Justin Bruening as Cal Maddox, Brandon Quinn for the role of Ronnie Sullivan, Chris Klein for the character of Bill Townsend, Jamie Lynn Spears as Noreen Fitzgibbons, Dion Johnstone as Erik Whitley, Chris Medlin as Isaac Downey, Tyler “Ty” Townsend played by Carson Rowland, Kyle Townsend played by Logan Allen, Ella Grace Helton as Katie Townsend, and Anneliese Judge as Annie Sullivan.
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