The Benefits of WordPress for Small Businesses: Affordable and Easy-to-Use Website Solutions

The Benefits of WordPress for Small Businesses: Affordable and Easy-to-Use Website Solutions

It takes true grit to open up a business of your own and put your product out there. This is especially true for people operating on a strict budget; making your idea a reality both in online and brick and mortar spaces is equally exciting and horrifying. Luckily for you, it gets better! Marrying these two environments under the same brand voice can be done professionally, affordably, and effectively, with a user-friendly WordPress website. 

As it will become clear in the article ahead, the benefits of WordPress for small businesses ventures by far outweigh the drawbacks. Armed with highly customizable features and functionalities, a team of experts can offer business owners complete power over their website design, and audience targeting, along with website development, testing, deployment, and regular success analysis. As you will see, the benefits of WordPress for small businesses by far outweigh the downsides, paving your way to a bright future filled with growth and cutting-edge user interface.


As previously mentioned, a limited budget is one of the biggest issues small businesses have to fight to overcome. Marketing, both printed and digital, requires money: and paying writers, editors, designers, photographers, QA testers and others is just the tip of the iceberg. Developers are still the highest-paid experts in the IT sector, and even what appears to be a series of quick-fixes can slash our budget.

The good news is that a well-designed WordPress website is a viable alternative to hiring an entire team of developers to build (and later keep optimizing) a site from scratch. In fact, it can be the push you need to make your business truly competitive. A WordPress website is a quicker, simpler, and easily scalable solution. Moreover, it’s significantly more affordable, as average WordPress costs for small businesses are in the $75 to $2500 range. 

If you’ve already worked with a managed services provider or MSP marketing agency, you’re at an advantage, making website creation and optimization even easier. A huge number of these companies either have partnerships with web development agencies or they offer white-label web design services to clients. In that case, digital marketing agencies can help your brand become more recognizable by ensuring that a website aligns with your visual brand identity, marketing goals, etc.

While every website arguably needs a web designer, small businesses face a unique challenge of having fewer resources than enterprises. All the while, they need to place a service or a product that feels unique enough to stand out against competitors. A visual identity and voice that is unique enough to make the small business memorable to clients. Although less customizable than websites built from scratch, WordPress sites still manage to allow originality, scalability, and ease of use at an affordable price.

Ease of Use

If you have any experience in posting website content as an ordinary civilian, you’ve likely worked in WordPress. And this doesn’t just refer to creating blog posts and publishing them on your website – it applies to the entire process that starts with website creation. There’s naturally always a learning curve, even though you can use WordPress intuitively. Still, mastering this skill is infinitely easier than the alternative of building a website from scratch, with significant coding knowledge. 


As we mentioned above, making your brand memorable (ideally without making it infamous, of course!) is perhaps the biggest challenge for a small business. A clear brand identity, including brand colors, the specific brand voice you’re going for, as well as what makes your product (or just the way you present it) needs to be clearly communicated on your website and socials. To do that, you’ll need plenty of special features on your website. With WordPress, doing so is usually very easy. From customizable themes to a variety of plugins that add certain features to your website, WP sites are considered to be 100% customizable. In fact, your website can be just as unique as you are, so feel free to let your creative streak come to light. 


Everyone hopes to have a website that will grow over time, as more website traffic usually translates into more profit. However, every website that’s starting from scratch will have to face a humble beginning. The important thing is to make room for growth, as some platforms aren’t made to support high traffic and many website visits. WordPress is not one of those platforms. In fact, one of the greatest benefits of WordPress for small businesses is this platform’s scalability. Keep in mind that, while WordPress can scale, it’s important to make wise decisions as your website grows. Big sales and deadline-based events are bound to bring a significant amount of traffic to your website in a short amount of time, and website owners need to prepare in due time. The preparation begins by choosing the right hosting provider, and then following it up with frequent caching and search indexing. 


Nowadays, small to medium-sized businesses as well as huge enterprises are all fighting for that first page of Google, even when it comes to the most competitive keywords. Luckily for small businesses, Google favors the clever, rather than the powerful. If you make clever use of fewer landing pages and provide more value with shorter blog posts, you might overpower an industry powerhouse in Google’s eyes, leading to higher visibility! And WordPress will allow you to optimize your website for search engines based on how much customers like your style and the service you provide, i.e. how much value you provide to them.


A limited budget doesn’t have to stop your small business from reaching its full potential, and even surpassing your wildest dreams. And WordPress can make the growing pains more bearable, while creating, growing and updating your website. It helps you establish (or further improve) your online presence, until you become an industry-specific household name. 

Paradoxically, both creating a name for yourself in the online space and growing too much and too quickly can be detrimental to a small business. Becoming an overnight hit sounds like a dream-come-true to many, but taking on too many changes too quickly may as well run a small business to the ground. Regardless of your ambitions or what the market and the universe throws at you, WordPress will have your back, as the most intuitive and affordable option. Like an endlessly supportive friend and confidant, this website optimization and building solution stays supportive every step of the way.

Posted by Ombir Sharma

Ombir is a SEO Executive at The Next Hint Media, Inc. He is a SEO and writer has 4 years of experience in these respective fields. He loves spending his time in doing research on different topics.

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