The adult anime series ‘The Midnight Gospel’ is quite popular among anime lovers. It revolves around the story of a space caster named Clancy Gilroy. The first season ended quite well, making the fans excited for The Midnight Gospel Season 2.
The animated television series is by the Adventure Time creator Pendleton Ward. Earlier, there were chances of the return of the show. There were possibilities that the Midnight Gospel Season 2 release date would be in 2023. But according to co-creator Duncan, in June 2022, Netflix made a big announcement that the show would not return. It did not return for Season 2.
The midnight Gospel episodes featured Clancy Gilroy. The story revolves around Duncan Trussell’s real interviews. They were for his podcast, The Duncan Trussell Family Hour. The first season ended with Clancy, the Midnight Gospel’s protagonist, getting caught. The police took her under arrest. It was quite an apocalyptic event as Clancy lost his mother, Deneen, too. Lastly, Charlotte protects Clancy from a bullet aimed at him. This happens when they get into the simulator. But then they find themselves on a train full of known people.
The Midnight Gospel’s last episode, ‘Mouse of Silver, ’ reunites Clancy with his mother. Duncan later revealed that it was like interviewing his actual mom- who later died of cancer in the show. It was by far the most heartbreaking episode of the show.
The audience loved the show, and it received many positive reviews (holding 8.2 on IMDb). It could not set Netflix’s top 10s on fire. Duncan Trussell felt bad about the decision. He was very excited about the second season. According to him, it was the wildest thing to imagine that Netflix let them stream their 1st season. We hope now you know everything about the series.
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