Attack on Titan is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama. It has been serialized in Kodansha’s seinen manga magazine Bessatsu Shonen Magazine since September 2009, with 23 collected volumes currently published. The story takes place in a world where humanity lives inside cities surrounded by gigantic walls due to the threat of Titans who are giants with long arms and legs who eat humans seemingly without reason. The protagonist, Eren Yeager, obtains the power to transform into a titan after being injected with a serum that is supposed to help preserve human life while he joins the military under his adoptive father’s name Levi Ackerman.
In case you aren’t aware of the attack on titan
Attack on Titan takes place in a world where humanity lives within cities surrounded by enormous walls due to the threat of titans who are giants with long limbs. The protagonist, Eren Yeager, obtains the power to transform into a titan due to being injected with a serum that is supposed to help preserve human life. He will join the military under his adoptive father’s name Levi Ackerman while keeping his true nature hidden from others.
In case you’ve ever undermined its popularity
The manga won the grand prize in the manga division of Japan’s 39th Annual Kodansha Manga Award in June 2012. It also won Best Shōnen Manga at the 38th Annual Kodansha Manga Awards, which were given out in November 2011. The first two volumes both debuted on The New York Times Manga Best Seller list for graphic books at #7 and #6 respectively after the first volume sold 24,237 copies in its debut week in Japan. As of December 3rd 2013 according to statistics by Oricon it has sold over 1,000,000 copies. Attack on Titan was the first manga to launch a live-action film or television series based on it, with a live-action film being produced by Toho. The franchise also spawned a light novel series, manga spinoff series and video games, which have been released from March 2013 onwards.
Let’s discuss what you’re excited about!
This article is going to be about the 10 Things You Need To Know About The War Hammer Titan and in it, we will discuss:
1) What exactly is the War Hammer Titan?
2) How difficult was it to take out or capture?
3) Who or what created the War Hammer Titan in the first place?
4) The possible consequences if they can’t stop them from evolving.
5) Is there any way that Eren and his friends can save humanity from extinction?
6) What may happen next with Mikasa, Annie, Armin, Jean, Connie, Sasha and Ymir after Eren’s death.
7) What will happen to the other Titans?
8) Is there any chance that Eren’s Titan form might reach the humanoid form after injecting himself with Titan serum?
9) How long will the War Hammer Titans live for?
10) ?…or is this already an issue of Titanomachy?
Let’s get rollin’!
1. What exactly is The War Hammer Titan?
This may come as a surprise to many fans but The War Hammer Titan was created by Zeke Yeager who wanted to turn Eren into a mindless slave for the Titans. He used his magical gear to create The War Hammer, an ability that makes him able to summon blades from his wrists. He used Eren’s blood because he says that it has “unique properties” that made it easy to create the war hammer.
Zeke created The War Hammer Titan in just three days because of his magical gear. He was able to infuse the power of The War Hammer into Eren’s mindless Titan form after injecting him with Titan serum or his own blood.
Zeke is trying to use this power so that he can wipe out every titan but only if he could get over 60% of the power of the Titans in existence.
2. How difficult was it to take out or capture?
The War Hammer Titan is extremely difficult to capture because of its ability to control other Titans telepathically. In fact, during the last part of the fight with Eren’s mindless Titan form, there were at least ten Titans around them that were giving resistance to Levi and his team… But Levi and his team were able to lure them off without too much difficulty due to their strategic skills.
The only time it was captured was when they used a strategy that involved a moving target against it.
3. Who or what created the War Hammer Titan in the first place?
It is not exactly clear how Zeke was able to create this Titan but we know that he’s a member of the “Marley Family” and we know that he has some kind of magical gear that allows him to create such a powerful form of Titan.
4. The possible consequences if they can’t stop them from evolving.
The war hammer Titan is very dangerous because it has the ability to manipulate other Titans and it also has armour like skin, which makes it almost impossible to take down. If they don’t stop evolving we could possibly see another Titan War.
5. Is there any way that Eren and his friends can save humanity from extinction?
No, this Titan is too powerful and powerful enough to wipe out all life on earth.
6. What may happen next with Mikasa, Annie, Armin, Jean, Connie, Sasha and Ymir after Eren’s death?
At the very least we know that following Eren’s demise there will be a huge loss of morale amongst his teammates. We don’t want to think about how Levi and the rest will react if they can’t find a solution to this crisis in time.
7. What will happen to the other Titans?
The other Titans may also try to evolve into this Titan form. After all, if Zeke can do it then why not the others?
8. Is there any chance that Eren’s Titan form might reach the humanoid form after injecting himself with Titan serum?
It is very unlikely that Eren’s Titan form would reach the humanoid form because he is too weak and would probably die on the spot…the only possibility of this happening is if another substance was injected through his neck. Since the other Titans’ Titan forms are all connected to each other, they can’t insert anything through their necks and thus it is impossible for Eren’s Titan form to change into the humanoid form.
9. How long will the War Hammer Titans live for?
This is a very interesting question and we just don’t know yet.
10. …or is this already an issue of Titanomachy?
Since the war hammer Titans are so powerful it may be possible that this whole thing has been orchestrated from above in order to start another Titan war.
We hope you enjoyed reading about the war hammer titan! In case you strongly agree or disagree with any of our arguments, let us know in the comments below!
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