The American drama series, The Wilds, premiered on Amazon Prime Video on December 11, 2020, and became an instant hit. The show follows a group of teenage girls who are stranded on a deserted island after a plane crash. The second season aired on May 6, 2022, and fans are already anticipating the release of a third season. This article covers everything you need to know about The Wilds Season 3, including its potential release date, plot, and trailer.
When Will The Wilds Season Three be Renewed?
The Wilds Season One garnered enough appreciation from vulnerable fans due to its outstanding plot. As a result, The Wilds Season One was renewed soon after its debut on Amazon Prime. However, The Wilds Season 2 was not successful enough to garner appreciation and views. Owing to the loss caused by the second season, The Wilds Season 3 was cancelled by the OTT giant, Amazon Prime.
Meanwhile, Shannon Berrie, who portrayed Berrie, broke the news on Instagram and said, “Thank you Dottie for being the most amazing part of these past 4 years. I will miss this unsinkable forever.”
Moreover, Mia Healy, who played Shelby also said “I love you all, I love you, Shelby. I am forever changed & eternally grateful. Thank you”
Meanwhile, as per why The Wilds Season Three was cancelled, the series failed to gain enough membership owing to which this step was taken.
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The Wilds Season 3 Release Date
Owing to The Wilds’ cancellation as soon as the second season premiered, there are no release dates for Season Three. However, if the creators decide to remove the cancellation, the series’ premiere dates can be announced any day this year. Meanwhile, given its popularity and critical acclaim, there are chances that the series’ cancellation gets removed and Prime will renew the show for a third season.
The Wilds Season 3 Plot
Although the series has garnered enough appreciation for its plot, the creators have cancelled it with a cliffhanger. Meanwhile, in The Wilds Season 2, we witnessed the girls escaping the island; however, they were captured by the authorities and taken to a government facility. Nevertheless, fans are extremely disappointed at the cancellation of the series. However, if it gets back to work it will explore the girls’ backstories and how they cope with the trauma of being stranded on an Island.
Harris said, “There’s a lot of stories there, and I think we’re just excited to continue to explore their lives and their experiences and what that does to them.”
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The Wilds Season 3 Trailer
As The Wild’s Season Three has already faced cancellation, there is no trailer for the highly anticipated season. However, fans can watch the trailer for the other seasons on Amazon Prime Video.
As one of the most popular drama series, The Wilds was constantly ranked on Amazon Prime. With two acclaimed seasons, the creators’ decision to cancel the series raged fans against the OTT giant. This also led the fans to begin a petition to bring back the series. Meanwhile, if the series gets renewed, it will continue where the second season left off. Hence, that will include exploring the girls’ lives after they escape from the island and delving deeper into their backstories and experiences.
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