A Step-by-Step Guide to Putting Watermark on Photos Online

A Step-by-Step Guide to Putting Watermark on Photos Online

As a photographer, painter, or content creator, you put your heart and soul into your art. As a business owner or a marketing manager you spend hours deliberating on brand images, and promotional photos. You want to share this with the world through the internet but surely do not want people to just download it and use it without permission. 

A watermark is like a digital signature that works like a copyright fence. If you have pictures on the internet that you want to protect. It’s important that you know how to put watermark on photos. Before we discuss the steps you can take to put a watermark on all your photos, let’s understand the impact of a watermark beyond protection. 

Why do you need to put watermark on your photos

We have already talked about the image-protection aspect of watermarking. But there is more to it than just stopping people from stealing your art-work.

Brand recognition

Watermarking is a brilliant way for businesses to leave an imprint of their brand on images. Let’s say a company from the tourism industry wants to share a picture of a Hawaiian beach. The picture in itself is the call to action, the business doesn’t want to haze the impact of a Hawaiian sunset with a bunch of text. But at the same time it wants the viewer to correlate the beach with the company. That’s where a subtle watermark comes into play. 

Showcasing professionalism

Whether you are sharing your photos on social media, sending them to a company, or creating a portfolio, a watermark on your photos make them look professional. It shows your willingness to own the work and stand by it. 

Adding credibility

People tend to trust messages of which they know the source. When you add a watermark to your photos, they just become more credible. Just make sure the watermark is subtle enough not to distract the viewer from the image and prominent enough to be noticed. 

How to put watermark on your photos online

Cloud-based technology has really taken off, hasn’t it? You have the option today to upload your photos in bulk, create and customize watermarks, process all images in minutes, and even edit the watermark in post-production, without even downloading an app or paying a dime. You just need the right tool, Visual Watermark, for instance.

Step 1

Head to your browser and launch the online app. You will see an option to upload files or drag and drop them.

Step 2

Once you click on the select files button, you’ll get the options to take photos from Google Drive, Google Photos, Your computer, and Dropbox. Select one. Remember, if you select Dropbox, Photos, or Drive you might have to log into them. So, keep your credentials and 2FA device handy.

Step 3

Add the text you want to see in the water mark. You can use your pre-built template too

Step 4

Add your brand’s logo or choose an icon from the tool’s library

Step 5

Edit your watermark – optimize the position, angle, font, opacity, etc. according to your preference

Step 6

Preview the image with the watermark, and make any changes you might need.

Final step

Your image is ready with the watermark. You can download it and put it to use.

Features to look for in an online watermark tool

  • You want to find a tool that offers scalability. For instance, the online app of Visual Watermark allows you to process 2000 images at a time.
  • Go for a tool that offers you a lot of choices in terms of fonts, colors, and templates.
  • Visual effects like shadows, 3D look, and backgrounds are a good addition
  • The watermark should be easily editable.
  • The tool should let you save watermark templates for future use.

Watermarks are your own way of leaving a personal imprint on a piece of art. You should always look for ways to personalize it. You need a tool that allows you to create that signature. Get your hands on a tool like Visual Watermark, play with the features. Since, putting watermarks on thousands of images is so easy now, you can spare more time for creativity. 

Posted by Steven Ly

Steven Ly is the Startup Program and Events Manager at TheNextHint Inc. She recruits rockstar startups for all TC events including Disrupt, meetups, Sessions, and more both domestically and internationally. Previously, she helped produce Dreamforce with Salesforce and Next '17 with Google. Prior to that, she was on the advertising teams at both Facebook and AdRoll, helping support advertisers in North America and helped grow those brands globally. Outside of work, Steven enjoys Flywheel, tacos, the 49ers, and adventuring around the globe.

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