Fool Me Once is an eight-part British television show, released on January 1, 2024. The series is available on Netflix, and the story is adapted from Harlan Coben’s book of the same name. The series features Michelle Keegan, Richard Armitage, Adeel Akhtar, Emmett J. Scanlan, and Joanna Lumley. It is about an ex-soldier who spots her supposedly dead husband, Joe, in their house through a nanny cam. On the other hand, Abby and Daniel, her niece and nephew, try to find out about their mother’s murder.
The series will remain limited to eight episodes. It was decided earlier because it is adapted from the novel and wraps up the whole storyline in its last episode. However, if you have become a fan of Harlan Coben by now, do not worry, as many of his books have already been adapted into movies and series. If you loved Fool Me Once, you can watch other British series like Safe (2018), Stranger (2020), and Stay Close (2021).
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More Coben stories are on their way to being adapted into movies and series. His deal with Netflix includes his Myron Bolitar series, which is going to be the first US-based adaptation, unlike the previous ones. Netflix might also work on his books, Six Years and Run Away, but nothing has been announced yet.
For all those who loved the British detail in this show, there are many other British shows and movies set to release on Netflix in 2024 and after that. A few of them are The Gentlemen, to be released in March 2024, Black Doves, and Department Q. Netflix also recommends series beyond Harlan Coben stories, like Bodies, a sci-fi crime series that involves four detectives from different timelines investigating the same murder, and You Don’t Know Me, co-produced by the BBC and Netflix and featuring a man using the end statement during a trial to narrate about his love life.
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