Total Drama, a Canadian animated television series, is known for some of its most satirical episodes. Premiered in Cartoon Network and HBO Max, the cartoon received a revival in 2021, with two new seasons for the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
Besides its captivating episodes, the women of the Total Drama universe are no exception; these characters are notorious and feature a perplexing beauty. However, the question still stands: Who are the hottest total drama girls of all? While many were competent enough, in this article we have listed the top-ranking TDI female characters.
Top 10 Hottest Total Drama Island Female Characters
10. Heather
Heather, the first antagonist of Total Drama, was known for vicious and manipulative looks. Her smart and vicious moves have helped her eliminate a record number of contestants. Moreover, she only competes for her selfish motives, uses others as an advantage, and only is kind when benefits. However, her vicious personality often confuses individuals to differentiate between her heartfelt moments.
For instance, the animated show is one of the moments in Total Drama, Drama, Drama, and Drama Island, wherein a heartbroken Heather confesses to Harold that she doesn’t like “being mean all the time” and it’s not fun being “being the one everyone hates.”
9. Julia
One of the TDI characters, Julia was a camper and one of the popular antagonists who served as one of the members of the Frogs of Death. Although an antagonist, her appearance featured her as a serene, friendly, and charming media influencer. However, she is known for her rudeness, often back-stabs, viciousness, short-tempered, and attention-seeking personality.
Owing to her social media sickness, she always ensures that she has one phone with her and multiple smartphones for her backup. Although she is not homicidal, she does not show any remorse after her teammates get killed. For instance, she celebrated Priya and Mille’s deaths which led to gain a position in the finale.
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8. Samey
Samey, also known as “Sammy” is the twin sister of Amy who is known for behaving timidly owing to her sister’s cruel treatment that damages her self-esteem. To make matters worse, Chris referred to her as “Samey” to differentiate her from Amy.
While there were several instances where Samey decided to confront her sister, she ended up losing every time. Besides, Samey and Amy were also known for their perplexing looks which made them different from All Total Drama Girls.
7. Lindsay
Lindsay, a blonde-haired and blue eye coloured character, was known for her kindness and childlike personality. Despite participants being constantly annoyed by her lack of intelligence, she never left her pure intentions. One of the major running gags was her problem in remembering the names, even if the someone was her boyfriend.
In many instances, like in the episodes in Dial M for Merger and Get a Clue, she performs beyond expectations explaining her ability to solve problems. Additionally, she likes calling her “hotness” owing to her obsession with her looks. With her beautiful features, she offers a fierce battle and is one of the hottest total drama girls.
6. Blaineley
Mildred “Blaineley” Stacey Andrews O’Halloran, commonly known as Blaineley, is a television host who co-hosted Total Drama World Tour Aftermath. One of the three newcomers who debuted in the Total Drama World Tour, Blaineley is fascinated by gossip and fame. Owing to her gossip obsession, she was often involved in groups to obtain controversial gossip which sometimes led to scandals.
Besides, she also demonstrated that she is conceited, mean, and willing to remain in the spotlight. For instance, for the sake of the limelight, she did vicious activities like sending Bridgette to Siberia and lying about her real name.
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5. Taylor
With brown hair and black eyes, Taylor is one of the beautiful Total Drama Island female characters who belonged to a wealthy family and was pampered from a young age. Owing to a spoiled childhood, she often chides her mother, Kelly. On the contrary, she had a soft spot for her father. Owing to her win in several beauty pageants, she seemed very over-confident. However, it was later known that all her pageants were faked.
Voiced by Bryn Mcauley, Taylor had a total episode count of 10.
4. Laurie
With brown hair colour and black eye colour appearance, Laurie was known for being one of the contestants of Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race as a member of The Vegans With Miles.
A nature-loving vegan, although Laurie is a calm person, her injustice against nature sends her emotional trauma. Owing to her vegan adaptation, she is deeply influenced by respecting the flora and fauna. Her love for plants gives her a belief in peace and knowledge. Moreover, along with her internal beauty, she is often admired for her external beauty.
3. Jen
Jennifer Jen, prominently known as ‘Jen’ was one of the contestants of Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race, wherein she was a member of the fashion bloggers with Tom. A sweet fashionista, Jen’s fashion blog is prominently featured globally wherein she, with Tom, shares daily updates on what’s hot and what’s not.
She was also working on her tan and often fell for shopping scams owing to her obsession. Owing to her fashion blogging, Jen features an appreciable fashion sense that combines with her alluring figure and personality.
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2. Gwen
Ranks among the top hottest total drama girls, Gwen’s teal streaks are what sets her apart from others. One of the finalists of Total Drama Island, Gwen is smart, independent, kind-hearted, and level-headed, stated as the best quality girl on Total Drama.
Although she has an attitude and a sarcastic appearance, she does not have a rude personality.
With an episode count of 71, Gwen has acquired labels like The Loner and The Goth Girls. Additionally, she is also known for a strong fashion sense that makes her look more alluring and confident. On the contrary, Gwen is claustrophobic as seen in her appearances in “Phobia Factor”, “The Treasure Island of Dr. McLean”, and “Zeek And Ye Shall Find”.
1. Zoey
Zoey, red dyed hair colour and brown eye colour, was known for being one of the campers of Total Drama: Revenge of The Island. Born as a small child, Zoey has an optimistic nature and usually gets comfortable with people. In search of new friends, she decided to join Total Drama and get close to people to share her love for Indie theatre and fashion.
Although she is a kind-hearted and soft-spoken character, if she is pushed enough, she changes into a darker persona who is brave, revenge-driven, and outspoken. Owing to her alternate character, Chris nicknamed her “Commando Zoey.” Besides, her trendy fashionable clothes, maintained looks, and alluring figure make her one of the hottest total drama girls.
Final Words
The popular show, Total Drama, is filled with a plethora of charming female characters, starting with the hottest, Zoey. But some of them have garnered immense popularity and likeness owing to their personality and looks. The above-mentioned characters are carefully chosen, based on their fan following, persona, and prominence. Nevertheless, these 10 hottest Total Drama girls are only a fraction of the numerous TDI characters and their personalities.
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