Microsoft announced on Monday that it is launching a paid version of its chatbot, Copilot, for its users. The option, known as Copilot Pro, will allow users to enjoy many features across all the apps on Microsoft. The option will cost $20 per month and unlock AI-powered features in Microsoft Office apps, including improved AI image generation features. The users will be able to use the latest OpenAI models, such as GPT-4 and GPT-4 Turbo, even during peak times. Earlier, Microsoft was giving users access to GPT-4 in Copilot mode; however, users without a pro plan will now only get access to GPT-4 and GPT-4 Turbo during nonpeak times. The paid plan users will also be able to access Copilot on Microsoft apps, such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Apart from that, they can also use Copilot in Outlook and the OneNote app.
Also Read – Microsoft to Add the Copilot AI Key to Windows PC Keyboards
Reportedly, Microsoft is looking to generate money after its huge investment in OpenAI and follow and build on the strategy that led to the massive success of OpenAI in the last year. It has invested about $10 billion in OpenAI in the last 10 years to increase its own reach and productivity in the market. The company aims to overpower and dominate Google in the search market through its AI-driven Bing chat and Edge browser.
Microsoft says that Copilot Pro will have a similar experience for laptop, mobile, Android, and iOS users. The company has also announced that Copilot Pro will allow users to customize the Copilot GPTs for several topics. The data regarding users who are willing to subscribe to the Copilot Pro plan is still not available; however, users interested in exploring the generative AI features and accessing the AI-powered tools will hopefully find the $20 worth it.
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