Microsoft announced on Thursday that it is introducing a new copilot key in the upcoming Windows-powered laptops and PCs. It is a change in their keyboards after three decades with the addition of this artificial intelligence key. This key will let users enter copilot mode, the AI tool of Microsoft, on new Windows 11 PCs.
Notably, Microsoft is majorly investing in OpenAI to improve the copilot’s AI abilities. It also unified AI with other services in 2023, like Bing Search. Apple also added a key for Siri to the Macbook a few years ago. The AI tool Copilot will help users perform tasks such as writing emails and generating images.
Microsoft Executive Vice President and Consumer Chief Marketing Officer Yusuf Mehdi announced in the official blog post that this move will “make 2024 the year of AI PCs.” He also said that it would be a transformative moment and simplify the user experience. The Windows key was added about 30 years ago. The keyboards are predicted to be available by February. Microsoft is going to display the new products with a copilot key during the CES tech event, which is going to be held in Las Vegas next week. Copilot has also been added to Microsoft’s search engine, Bing. When it was integrated into products like Word, PowerPoint, and Teams, it could generate emails and presentations.
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As per Prof. John Tucker, a computer scientist, this addition is a natural step. The feature was already available to Windows 11 users by pressing Windows key+C, but the new key shows the importance that the company is giving to this feature and how it can draw users. He also said, “Of course, that the keyboard has changed so little in 30 years—since 1994—is not something to be proud of.”
In 2022, the introduction of the AI tool ChatGPT by Microsoft’s partner OpenAI revolutionized the industry and made competitors release their AI tools.
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