Family Guy is an animated sitcom that revolves around the dysfunctional Griffin family. It is popular, and not just the Americans; the whole world is a fan of the show. The show creator Seth MacFarlane talked about the show’s future recently. He said that as long as the audience is loving the show, why would he end it?
Family Guy creator has talked about his opinion on ending the show. Notably, Family Guy recently celebrated its 25th anniversary.
During an interview with the Los Angeles Times, MacFarlane revealed that he has no plans to end the beloved show right now.
He said,
At this point, I don’t see a good reason to stop. People still love it. It makes people happy and it funds some good causes.
It’s a lot of extraneous cash that you can donate to Rainforest Trust and you can still go out to dinner that night,
He has won the Primetime Emmy Awards and Grammy Awards five times each. While he accepted the consideration of ending the Family Guy, he said he does not see a reason to do so.
There was a time when I thought, it’s time to wrap it up. At this point, we’ve reached escape velocity. I don’t know that there’s any reason to stop at this point unless people get sick of it. Unless the numbers show that people just are, ‘Eh, we don’t care about Family Guy anymore.’ But that hasn’t happened yet,
he said.
Notably, Family Guy first premiered on Fox in 1999 but saw a controversial cancellation after its two seasons. However, the show received a pickup for its third season. Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim, which broadcasts shows more specifically for the teenage or adult audience, aired Family Guy. Moreover, its DVD sales also helped it become a successful show.
Since it was revived on Fox in 2005 with a fourth season, Family Guy has never faced another obstacle from the network. It is now in the midst of its 22nd season.
Seth MacFarlane exhibits multi-talented skills. He also voices some characters in Family Guy.
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