When To Consider Building A Mobile Counterpart Of Your Web App?

When To Consider Building A Mobile Counterpart Of Your Web App?

72.6% of internet users will access the web solely via their mobile devices by 2025. At this juncture, creating a mobile presence is an important consideration. The questions are, when exactly does your web app need a mobile counterpart, and what could be your best approach towards building that. We’ll address both these questions in this post and help you make the best decision for your business. 

5 Signs that your business needs mobile presence   

Your decision to go mobile cannot be impulsive. It has to be founded in facts. As you monitor your web application’s performance, you will notice certain patterns that tell you whether you should go for a mobile counterpart. 

  1. User demand

Is a good portion of your user base already using your application through mobile browsers? If so, are they having usability issues? Are you getting a higher churn rate due to such issues? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you should consider building a dedicated mobile app. 

If a user is taking the trouble to access your application through a browser from their mobile devices, it means they find value in your offering. You should capitalize on that traction by creating a mobile application. 

Alternatively, you could create a Progressive Web App that offers optimal usability across all devices and sits perfectly alongside the mobile-native apps without occupying memory-space on the mobile device. Here’s a detailed guide to developing Progressive Web Apps.

  1. User experience 

When a user tries to use your web app from a mobile device, they are bound to face usability issues. The app would be slower to load, the content may not be aligned properly, certain functionalities might be missing. Overall, your application fails to satisfy the user and they take their business elsewhere. 

You can stop this churn by tailoring the user experience for mobile devices through a progressive web app.

  1. Offline functionality

A web application is strictly dependent on a stable internet connection whereas some features may be essential for the user even when they are offline. A mobile application can come into play to solve this issue.

  1. Leveraging presence on appstore 

People look for solutions to their problems in the app store both for their Android and iOS devices. Your presence there can make a huge difference in your overall visibility. It can give your brand more prominence and help you reach a wider audience.

  1. Competitive advantage 

If your competitors are offering mobile-friendly applications and you are not, that is a severe loss. In fact, if you can be the first in your class to bring mobile compatibility in your domain, it can boost your competitive edge and help you stay ahead.

Why create a PWA for both web and mobile based users?

A progressive web application tailors the user experience based on the device it is accessed through. It can adapt to different screen sizes, processor strengths, and support capabilities without any hassle. Here are the key benefits of making a progressive web app

  • Consistent user experience across devices – mobile phones, desktops, and tablets
  • App like user experience without occupying disk space
  • Push notifications are enabled in PWAs
  • PWAs are easier to rank through SEO 
  • Reduced compatibility issues across browsers
  • Users can create shortcuts for instant access much like native apps

If you are considering a mobile counterpart for your web application, a PWA could be the right move. It reduces the requirement for resources, enhances flexibility, and standardizes user-experience across devices. 

If you are running a business in 2023, building mobile presence is inevitable. It is just important to pick the right time and right situation to do that. If you jump in too early you may burn resources unnecessarily, but if you are too late to act, you may lose a lot of paying customers. 

Pay close attention to your site’s analytical data – find out what’s working and what’s not, identify areas that are creating churn, and shed light on untapped potential. The digital business space is extremely competitive and minor UX issues can snowball into major losses for your company. Recognize the signs and act when it’s time. Happy developing. 

Posted by Mike K. Watson

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