Woman of the Hour is an American crime drama based on the life of serial killer Rodney Alcala. This title is directed by Anna Kendrick and written by Ian MacAllister McDonald. It first premiered on September 8, 2023, at the Toronto International Film Festival. The movie revolves around Alcala, who appeared in The Dating Game and won a date with Cheryl Bradshaw. By that time, he had murdered five women.
Bradshaw’s fairy tale came to an end when Rodney Alcala revealed that he was a psychopath and a serial killer. He was active from 1968 to 1979 and was arrested in July 1979. It is unknown how many crimes he committed; however, it could be in the hundreds.
What is the Plot of ‘Woman of the Hour’?
The film starts in 1977 in Wyoming, and the movie shows the audience the world through Rodney’s eyes. He first spots a woman who tells him his heartbreaking story. Initially, Alcala listens to her with sympathy and care. But soon, he turns into an awfully disturbing person, pushes that woman to the ground, and rapes her later. His lens discovers many such victims. He meets a teenager, played by Autumn Best, in San Gabriel. Many such horrific incidents occur throughout the movie, and the cameras focus on women’s injuries.
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Who are the Cast Members of ‘Woman of the Hour’?
Anna Kendrick stars as The Dating Game’s bachelorette, Cheryl Bradshaw, and Daniel Zovatto plays serial killer Rodney Alcala. Apart from that, the movie will feature Kathryn Gallagher, Nicolette Robinson, Kelley Jakle, Autumn Best, Pete Holmes, and Tony Hale.
Where will ‘Woman of the Hour’ be Available?
The movie will not be available on Netflix globally. Similar to May December, it will be released in only selected countries. These regions include the United States, France, Italy, Benelux, Japan, South Korea, Switzerland, Hong Kong, and Indonesia, among others.
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What is the Release Date of ‘Woman of the Hour’?
The release date of Woman of the Hour on Netflix has not yet been announced. However, viewers can expect it to come soon.
The Team behind the ‘Woman of the Hour’
The production companies for this movie are AGC Studios, Vertigo Entertainment, and BoulderLight Pictures. Woman of the Hour is produced by Roy Lee, Miri Yoon, J.D. Lifshitz, and Raphael Margules. The iconic screenplay and cinematography of Ian MacAllister McDonald and Zach Kuperstein were also highly appreciated in the movie.
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