Around the world, the first episode of Adventure Beast came out on October 22, 2021. The comedy series is much of an adult animated show which follows the story of a zoologist, his niece, and his senior field assistant as they explore the wildlife habitats trying to save them. But soon, they find out that not all want their help.
The creators of the Adventure Beast were Mark Gravas, Brian France, and Bradley Trevor Grieve. Brian France is the scriptwriter. The first season consists of 12 episodes. Each episode runs approximately for 20 minutes.
Adventure Beast Netflix got many positive reviews as it hilariously taught many facts about animals. This TV show got an IMDb rating of 5.2 out of 10 points and has mixed feedback.
Is there any chance for Adventure Beast season 2?
If you liked this show, then you might want to know if there would be an Adventure Beast Season 2 in process or not. Currently, the show is not renewed and will not return. They didn’t officially confirm that it has got cancellation notice. They did mention, “At this stage, Netflix has no plans to produce Season 2 unfortunately.”
But, recently news came that Adventure Beast will soon be joining the full list of canceled Netflix Originals of 2022. Of course, there is a possibility that Netflix can change its mind and renew the show.
Adventure Beast Cast
Adventure Beast’s cast includes Bradley Trevor Grieve, Junior field assistant Bonnie, Josh Zuckerman ( Dietrich ), and Danice Cabanela ( his niece). The entire voice cast performed terrifically well.
If there is a season 2 then be sure to see some new characters and a new voice cast.
Adventure Beast Season 2 Plot
If there is a Season 2 indeed, you will see that the story will continue from the beginning as BTG and Bonnie will go on a rescue mission to find Dietrich and on their way meet wild animals and learn more about them.
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