Netflix announces the renewal of the beloved animated series, Disenchantment for its final season. The series will be released on September 1st, 2023. Matt Groening and Josh Weinstein have captivated the hearts of fans across demographics with Disenchantment, since its debut in 2018. The fifth and final part will have 10 episodes. The season will mark the end of the adventures of Bean, Elfo, and Luci in the medieval kingdom of Dreamland.
With 50 episodes, Disenchantment will join some of Netflix’s longest-running original adult-animation shows like “Big Mouth” (61 episodes and counting) and “Bojack Horseman” (77 episodes).
Josh Weinstein has kept enthusiasts informed about the progress of the upcoming episodes through his Twitter account throughout the year. In January 2023, he shared that the show was deep into post-production. He said, “It’s really good, and we’re thinking/hoping fans will be happy.”
Here’s a synopsis of the final season by Netflix.
It all endeth here. The misadventures of hard-hitting, hard-drinking Queen Bean, her feisty elf companion Elfo, and her personal demon Luci culminate in an epic battle for Dreamland. To save Dreamland from Queen Dagmar’s wicked rule, Bean must vanquish her mother and outrun a prophecy that foretells she will kill someone she loves. The stakes are as high as ever as our heroes face Satan, a headless corpse, an evil scientist, and most terrifying of all – their true destiny.
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You can also check out the trailer for Disenchantment season 5.
All the familiar voices will return for the final season. Abbi Jacobson, Eric Andre, Nat Faxon, John DiMaggio, Tress MacNeille, Richard Ayoade, Matt Berry, Noel Fielding, Meredith Hagner, David Herman, Sharon Horgan, Maurice LaMarche, Lucy Montgomery, and Billy West will bring life to the beloved characters one last time.
The wait is almost over.
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