How Do Roofing Supplements Work

How Do Roofing Supplements Work

When homeowners incur roof damage following a peril like a heavy storm or a natural disaster, they file a claim with their insurance carrier. An adjuster and roofing contractors will come to do inspections and provide estimates for repairs. 

No one will understand the full scope of the damage or if there was existent damage until the work is underway or as it progresses along. Plus, many insurance adjusters are unfamiliar with the intricacies of roofing and the varied components that make up the structure to be able to inspect adequately. 

That can mean the insurance payout will ultimately be inadequate for the level of work that actually needs to be completed. A reputable, credentialed, and professional roofing contractor will be considering more than surface damage. 

At a minimum, the features’ water permeability is a factor along with the sustainability of each component, including the decking, gutter system, fascia, flashing, whether there’s sufficient attic ventilation, how the water runs off, and so much more. 

An insurance carrier will always attempt to save on costs, but the priority should always be the client’s best interest, as well as following the letter of a paid-for insurance plan. This is why a roofing contractor will work to receive roof supplements from the carrier for items left off the adjuster’s original estimate. 

The contractor needs to fix these for the structure’s integrity, but they should have been addressed in the insurance inspection. 

Tips On How To Supplement a Roof Claim 

Supplementing a roof claim essentially involves a roofing contractor documenting detailed descriptions concerning damages sustained to a roof following a peril. These are details missed by the insurance adjuster’s inspection. The roofer then submits these to the carrier to adjust the claim. 

It sounds relatively straightforward in theory, but it’s a bit more complex, beginning with the initial adjuster’s methodology to the new review the insurance provider bases on omitted details from the original claim. What are the steps that need to be followed when attempting to supplement a roof claim? 

Roof supplementing is vital to ensure the job proceeds without delays and remains on budget. Consider these suggestions when finding that items were omitted from the original documentation. 

Photos or Even Videos Are Difficult to Contradict

When a peril strikes, like a heavy storm or a natural disaster, an immediate response should be to take pictures or video of the damage. The insurance adjuster will take their picture, but it’s better to have your own. 

Plus, you can have the roofing contractor take more detailed pictures if you cannot walk on the structure’s surface. This clear visual documentation showing the roof’s exact condition leaves little room for argument from the provider. 

It will, however, back your request for roof supplements for items that were missed with the initial claim from the adjuster. The carrier will have no recourse when comparing the contrasting details except to approve the new claim and allow you to move forward with the project. 

Partner With Legitimate, Credentialed, Experienced Roofing Contractors

An insurance claims process is often intimidating, particularly if you haven’t dealt with it before. It’s a known fact carriers prefer to save as much money when handling a claim as possible, and clients are usually hesitant to turn in claims for fear their premiums will increase. 

The only way to ensure roofing supplements are handled professionally, accurately, and thoroughly is to partner with a credentialed, reputable, and experienced contractor in that industry. This professional will be beneficial in helping to prevent potential problems down the road. 

When documenting the details surrounding the roof supplements, the contractor will ensure the quote they produce lines will line up with the work performed and make themselves available to discuss the details with the insurance carrier as the need arises.

How Do Roofing Supplements Work
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

The Roofer Should Be Informed From the Start

From the start, the roofing contractor selected for the job should be informed about what the insurance adjuster has allowed for the project and what that covers. When the roofer does their inspection, they could find upfront that the adjustor’s recommendations need to be revised. 

Or the professional could start and progress through the job only to discover that there are omissions with the initial estimate. In either situation, delays are imminent until the roofing supplements are considered for approval. Proceeding without approval can mean going out of pocket and well over budget. 

The best roofing contractor will help to prevent that from happening and will ensure that you avoid mistakenly committing insurance fraud. 

A reputable roofer will stay on top of the roofing supplement process with the insurance company to completion to get the job done and get it done within the budget. Go here for guidance on tools for working roofing and insurance supplements. 

Final Thought 

When roof damage occurs, often through a peril like a heavy storm, natural disaster, or strong winds, an insurance adjuster will be the first to do an inspection and open the claim with an estimate for repairs. 

You can take this quote to roofing contractors, who will then bid on the job. After hiring a roofer, the professional will do their inspection. 

If the credentialed, experienced roofing expert finds that the adjuster’s inspection lacks critical components for adequate repairs, the job will be delayed until the insurance provider considers the roofing supplements. 

These are necessary to ensure the job is completed in the client’s best interest and the structure’s integrity. The ideal way to get your roof fixed following a significant storm is to reach out to a trusted roofer who will look out for your best interest and that of your roof.

Posted by Tom Bernes

Tom Bernes is the Editorial Director at The Next Hint Inc.Prior to joining The Next Hint Inc, Tom had a hand in a number of online and print publications, including as chief copy editor and Government Technology Magazine as managing editor. He also did a stint in Sydney as group editor of RBI Australia's manufacturing group, which is when he also developed an affinity (a love, really) for cricket.

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