Top Destinations for Business Travelers to Unwind and Explore

Top Destinations for Business Travelers to Unwind and Explore

Israel, often referred to as the “Start-up Nation,” is not only a global hub for innovation and business but also a country of breathtaking landscapes, rich history, and diverse culture. Business travelers visiting Israel can enjoy some downtime and unwind while discovering Israel. If you don’t have a lot of time then explore Israel in 1-day tours that cover all of the attractions in a short amount of time.

Tel Aviv: Urban Break

Tel Aviv, known as the “city that never sleeps,” is the perfect place for business people to unwind after a productive day of meetings and negotiations. Stroll along the beautiful Tel Aviv beaches and soak up the Mediterranean sun. Enjoy the city’s dynamic culinary scene and experience the nightlife with Tel Aviv’s numerous bars and clubs. Don’t miss a visit to the famous Rothschild Boulevard, known for its trendy bars and cafes, making it a perfect place to socialize and network with locals and fellow travelers.

Don’t Miss Tel Aviv Sites

  • Carmel Market
  • Anu Museum
  • Jaffa
  • Beachfront Promenade and Tel Aviv Port
  • Neve Tzedek
  • Rothschild Boulevard

Where to Unwind in Tel Aviv

Enjoy a walk along the length of Tel Aviv’s “tyelet” or promenade that flanks the beach from Tel Aviv Port to Jaffa. Indulge in an excellent meal at one of Tel Aviv’s chef restaurants like OCD or Popina. See some world-class musical and drama performances at Habima, Batsheva Dance Company, and the Camari Theater. And wander through the Tel Aviv Art Museum to see a range of work by top-rated artists. Spend the day in Park Hayarkon, where you can rent a row boat along the Yarkon River, rent a bicycle, workout in the outdoor gym, and picnic on the grass. End the day by watching the sun go down from Gordon Beach.

Jerusalem: The Eternal City

Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, is a city like no other, where history, religion, and culture converge. Visit the Old City of Jerusalem, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and home to the city’s top attractions. In the modern part of Jerusalem, you can enjoy exceptional dining experiences, blending traditional Middle Eastern flavors with contemporary twists. Visit top museums, and experience the city’s unique diverse cultures.

Don’t Miss Jerusalem Sites

  • Western Wall
  • Church of the Holy Sepulcher
  • Temple Mount
  • Machane Yehuda Market
  • Yad VaShem
  • Israel Museum

Where to Unwind in Tel Aviv

Wander through the lanes of the Old City at your own pace enjoying the exotic sights and sounds. Browse through the Old City Bazaar or the upscale Machane Yehuda Market. Enjoy a spa treatment at one of the city’s excellent hotels, and connect with your spiritual side at one of the mosques, churches, or synagogues in the city. Jerusalem is built in the hills, and just a few minutes outside of the city are breathtaking forests and nature reserves. Follow one of the loop trails through Park Begin, or hike from Ein Kobi to Netiv HaLamed.

Dead Sea: Rejuvenate Body and Soul

Located in the Jordan Rift Valley, the Dead Sea is a unique natural wonder that’s a must-visit for business travelers looking to unwind and rejuvenate. Its high salt concentration allows you to float effortlessly in its mineral-rich waters. The therapeutic mud found along the shoreline is renowned for its healing properties and is used in spa treatments throughout the region.

Don’t Miss Dead Sea Sites

  • Dead Sea beach
  • Ein Gedi
  • Masada
  • Qumran

Where to Unwind at the Dead Sea

Choose any of the Dead Sea beaches to relax and unwind. If you have time to stay overnight at the Dead Sea then choose one of the luxury hotels that have their own private beaches. Most of these hotels will also offer excellent spa facilities and they specialize in treatments that use the Dead Sea minerals and salts. After a day of relaxation, explore the nearby ancient fortress of Masada, accessible via a cable car ride, and learn about the historic events that took place here. The Dead Sea region also offers hiking opportunities, such as the Ein Gedi Nature Reserve, where you can explore lush oases and desert landscapes.

Eilat: Red Sea Paradise

For business travelers seeking a coastal escape, Eilat, Israel’s southernmost city, is a paradise on the shores of the Red Sea. Eilat boasts pristine beaches, vibrant coral reefs, and a lively underwater world that makes it an ideal destination for snorkeling and diving. In addition to water sports and relaxation by the beach, Eilat offers the opportunity to explore the unique desert landscapes of the Negev. Timna Park, with its striking geological formations and ancient copper mines, is a short drive from Eilat. Consider taking a day tour from Eilat to Petra in Jordan.

Don’t Miss Eilat Sites

  • Dolphin Reef
  • Ice Mall
  • Underwater Observatory Park
  • Coral Beach Nature Reserve

Where to Unwind in Eilat

The best place to unwind in Eilat is undoubtedly on the beach. You have several to choose from, like laid-back Mosh Beach, Coral Beach where you can swim among the reefs, or Electric Beach where every kind of water sport is available. Relax with a scuba diving lesson, or rent a snorkel and explore the world beneath the Red Sea. Eilat has some of the most luxurious hotels in Israel, and they each offer spa facilities and beautiful pools. You could also do some retail therapy in the Ice Mall, or drive out to the desert at night for some star gazing.

Galilee: Northern Exploration

Northern Israel offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of business life. Nazareth, the hometown of Jesus, is a culturally rich city with historical and religious significance. The Galilee region, with its lush landscapes and picturesque villages, offers a serene retreat. Take a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee or hike along the scenic trails along the shore. Tiberias is a lakeside city known for its hot springs and therapeutic spas.

Don’t Miss Galilee Sites

  • Church of the Annunciation, Nazareth
  • Tiberias
  • Mount of Beatitudes
  • Sea of Galilee
  • Capernaum

Where to Unwind in Galilee

The Sea of Galilee has many excellent beaches and several beachfront hotels. On a drive around the Sea of Galilee, you’ll encounter several picturesque biblical locations. Take a trip into the Golan and relax at Hamat Gader, a natural hot springs resort. You could also unwind on a tour of one of the Golan wineries. The pristine countryside, rolling hills, and lush forests offer an opportunity for business people to clear their heads. For example, there is the magnificent Banias Nature Reserve. And if you visit in winter you could enjoy the ski slope on Mount Hermon.

Israel for Bleasure

Israel, with its dynamic business environment, is not just a destination for work but also a country that beckons travelers to explore its rich cultural heritage and natural beauty. Whether you’re floating in the Dead Sea, exploring the ancient streets of Jerusalem, or networking in Tel Aviv’s tech scene, Israel offers a diverse range of experiences for business travelers to unwind and explore. So, when your work in Israel is done, make sure to take the time to discover the many facets of this remarkable country.

Posted by Steven Ly

Steven Ly is the Startup Program and Events Manager at TheNextHint Inc. She recruits rockstar startups for all TC events including Disrupt, meetups, Sessions, and more both domestically and internationally. Previously, she helped produce Dreamforce with Salesforce and Next '17 with Google. Prior to that, she was on the advertising teams at both Facebook and AdRoll, helping support advertisers in North America and helped grow those brands globally. Outside of work, Steven enjoys Flywheel, tacos, the 49ers, and adventuring around the globe.

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