Where Tech and Gaming Meet

Where Tech and Gaming Meet

The gaming world has tremendously changed since the onset of video games in the 1970s. A lot of this can be attributed to technological advancement. 

Thanks to tech, the betting and gaming industry has shifted to the virtual world. We’re almost reaching a point where one can’t do without the other. Let’s look at some areas where tech meets gaming and how the former has revolutionized games. 

Mobile Gaming

The advent of mobile gaming welcomed the era of convenient and portable gaming. This has affected console gaming. Owning a smartphone is easier than a console since it has multiple functionalities, including communication. 

Mobile gaming has also affected gambling, where players prefer trying their luck at Legit Gambling Sites online than brick-and-mortar casinos. Developers are eliminating mobile phones’ limitations compared to consoles through touch controls and optimizing the graphics for smaller screens. 

Companies are developing game-oriented smartphones whose screen, processing power, and battery life can handle intense gaming. In the near future, we can expect more smartphones with console-level graphics as new game genres hit the market.

3D Graphics

3D graphics were initially commonly used in the film and printing industries. It wasn’t until 1980 that the first commercial 3D video game was released. 

Three-dimensional graphics have given objects in video games a better perspective and volume. This provides players with an immersive experience. These graphics also create realism which imitates real life. The concept is evident in games such as Call of Duty, where there is close attention to detail. 

Players have better control over their characters, allowing them to move in any direction, unlike in 2D games where characters can only move left or right. Also, 3D has seen the rise of user generated content. As 3D continues to develop, we hope for more UGC to allow players to develop their own custom models they can share with others.  

Artificial Intelligence

AI is the talk of the town. In gaming, it refers to adaptive and responsive experiences generated through NPCs. In simple terms, AI enables non player characters to act intelligently. They can mimic human-like actions and act accordingly as per the game environment. 

Adaptive gameplay brought by AI algorithms analyzes players’ behavior to challenge them constantly. AI has also opened up the possibility of mixed reality and AR in the future, which will enhance players’ adaptability and immersion in the gaming environment. 

The future of AI is predicted to be transformative, tailoring everything to people’s specific needs. In gaming, there is a probability of more games that can react and predict your next move while responding accordingly.

Cloud Gaming

In traditional gaming, hardware was required for a game to run smoothly. However, cloud gaming has allowed playing games on remote servers without downloading or installing. No cables, extra storage, or software is needed. 

All you need is a high-speed internet connection. Nevertheless, this has seen the decline of gaming PCs, consoles, and peripherals. As technology advances, cloud gaming will benefit from better connection, improved internet speeds, and compression algorithms bringing it to the level of traditional gaming setups.


Technology has had a great impact on gaming. What we’ve witnessed is just the tip of the iceberg. Players should expect a more immersive simulation on their screens as we continue welcoming innovations.

Posted by Miller Willson

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